Back to School Checklist
Well, we’re well into August and before you know it, school will begin all across the country. As a parent, it can be difficult to think of everything to prepare your child for the school year to come. School supplies, clothes, paperwork—there’s a lot to accomplish, and it’s easy to get sidetracked. Thankfully, we put together a handy back to school checklist.
Display the School Schedule
Sometimes we need gentle reminders throughout the school year. To help keep you on track, we recommend printing out a school schedule and posting it somewhere the whole family can see. Usually, the fridge is the best place. This way, everyone who walks by can easily check on start dates, holidays, and other events with ease.
Get Organized
Within the following weeks, you’ll be receiving a lot of information. Lists of school supplies, permission slips, health forms, contact lists—-you’ll need a place to organize it all. We recommend taking it online with a handy organization website like Evernote. Here you’ll be able to see everything in one place and determine a plan of action.
Take Inventory
Before you go on a shopping spree, take inventory of what you already have. You’d be surprised how much you might already have lingering around. It’s common for parents to over shop for items, leaving a surplus of school supplies. So, before you head out, take a look around!
Gather School Supplies
You know the drill. In preparation for your child’s first day of school, they’re going to need quite a bit of learning tools. It’s time to hit the road and gather each item, one by one. We highly recommend saving your receipts in case something isn’t needed. Costly items such as advanced calculators can certainly put a dent in your wallet.
Shop for Clothes
No one wants to show up to school looking drab. Buying new clothes for school not only helps your child’s appearance, it can boost their confidence during these valuable social years. Once again, we recommend keeping your receipts in case something needs to be returned.
Make Sure They’re Well-Groomed
Much like new clothes, it’s important your child shows up on their first day looking their best. Sometimes it only takes a haircut to make a difference!
Begin Bedtime Habits
Once school begins, your child will require to get up much sooner than they’re probably used to. It’s easy to let your child slip past their bedtime during the summer, but it’s most beneficial to them to get back into the groove of getting up early long before school starts. That way, they can start their day with bright and awake minds once the school bells start ringing.
Talk to Your Child’s Teacher
Before school starts, it’s beneficial to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) and ask if there’s anything else you can do to prepare for the school year. Not only does this further prepare you, it allows you to get additional exposure with the school’s faculty.
Arrange a Place to do Homework
A part of creating a positive learning environment for your child is creating a place for them to work on homework. When they get off school, it’s important to have a quiet space reserved for them to tune out the world and work on what matters most—their education.
Connect with Your Child
Cherish every moment with your child. Since school is just around the corner, we recommend taking a few days out of the week to truly connect with your child before they’re occupied with studies and after-school activities. Needless to say, you won’t regret it.
Of course, connecting with your child is better than ever in a gorgeous luxury home built by Britton Homes. Reach out to a representative today to learn more about your dream home and school district.