Preparing Your Home For Guests
During the holiday season, you may find yourself with an abundance of guests at your house. You will want to make sure your house is clean, comfy, and inviting, especially if it is your turn to host this year’s festivities. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the arrival and boarding of your guests.
Some people enjoy the process, and others can’t stand it. Whatever the case may be, your guests will appreciate the extra effort. Even though a little mess in your home may not bother you all that much, a new guest will be seeing your home with fresh eyes and may notice things that you often overlook. Before having any guests over, take the time to spot-clean little areas you don’t usually give much attention to. This means dusting your knick-knacks and in-between your couch cushions. Most importantly, the bathroom and guest room should be spotless as this is where your guest will need to feel the most comfortable.
You may have already decked-out your home according to your personal style. However, it can’t hurt to "guest-proof" your home to make it feel even more inviting. If you do not already own the following items, it might help to run to the store and pick some things up.
Welcome Mats
A welcome mat is as much for you as it is for your guest. It will be one of the first things a guest will see when they enter your home and will make it that much more inviting. It will also serve as a place to wipe your feet. Guests will be grateful for this addition because they may feel embarrassed if they track dirt into your house. Have one for any exterior door so that dirt is not tracked in.
Coat Rack
During the colder months, it is especially important to have a coat rack available to guests so that they can easily grab their coats when they’re on the go. Guests may not know where to put their coats and end up keeping them on or carrying them with them everywhere if a coat rack is not provided.
Shoe Rack
If a guest is staying for an extended period of time, you will want to provide a shoe rack near your front door. If you want to go the extra mile, consider investing in some slippers for your guests to wear inside the house so that they don't have to walk on the cold floor.
Extra Blankets and Pillows
Have extra blankets and pillows available to your guests if they wish to get cozy and snuggle up on the couch or by the fire. Even if a guest is not staying the night, having these items available to your guests shows that you want them to be comfortable. It shows them that "My house is your house!"
"Home-y accessories"
The last suggestion on this list is to take pride in your home and show it through the way you accessorize. Candles can create an inviting ambiance and a sign about family and friendship makes everyone feel at home. Have placemats and a nice table cloth on your dining room table to show guests that you prioritize dinner time as the time to congregate and share.
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