Tips for Organizing Your Home and Maximizing Space
Space usually isn’t an issue in luxury homes, but there are many benefits to organizing it to give your family and guests additional space to feel welcome and relaxed. There’s a degree of freedom experienced when you have more room to do the things you love and interact with loved ones. Also, maximizing your home’s space isn’t just about having more wide open areas; it’s about organizing parts of your home to make life more convenient. To ensure your home is well-organized, here are a few easy tips to clear the clutter and get the most out of your living areas.
Tip 1:
What to Donate or Throw Away
Before you get serious about organizing your home, we recommend making a purge of a few old or unused items. Whether it’s a shirt your child has outgrown or a ukelele you never quite learned to play, it’s important to free your home of unused objects that are cluttering it up. Holding onto keepsakes is understandable, but if your keepsake is a broken grandfather clock that’s been collecting dust for the past 10 years, you might want to consider parting from it. Of course, there’s no reason to be wasteful. We highly recommend donating as much as you can to your local Goodwill or similar stores.
Tip 2:
Tackle One Room at a Time
When organizing your home, it’s easy to become sidetracked or fatigued. Sometimes it feels like opening Pandora’s box and you can easily get overwhelming. This can be remedied by organizing one room at a time. This allows you to work in bite-sized segments and helps you feel more accomplished once a room is finished. If you try to conquer your entire home at once, you’ll end up getting burned out quickly and the house will look worse than it did before. Stick to one room with one trash bag and vow to fill it. Also, cleaning and organizing is a family duty. Don’t put this all on yourself. Encourage your spouse or children to get involved as much as possible to contribute to this important endeavor.
Tip 3:
Store Away Items You Don’t Use Every Day
This may seem like a no-brainer, but we often overlook this tip when living out our daily lives. As you work through each room or area, analyze every object and determine that last time you used it. If the answer is longer than a week, consider storing it away in an easy to access place. If you get in the habit of doing this, over time you may notice that your home will feel less cluttered. However, don’t put all of the responsibility on your shoulders to store and organize these items. This is a healthy habit everyone in the home should learn.
Tip 4:
Get the Most Out of Your Closets
Depending on how busy you are, closets can easily become a wreck. After all, they’re hidden behind closed doors, but closets are invaluable when maximizing space throughout your home. A storage closet may seem full, but after an hour or so of proper organization, you may find that it can fit a lot more. How do we do this? Specialty storage containers. As much as you love reusing old shoe boxes for craft items, they’re not going to cut it when you need to store them alongside several other different shaped boxes. Storage containers are made to hold a lot and stack properly to yield more space throughout your home. Plus, they look great. As for shoes, consider getting a shoe rack if you don’t have one yet. If it’s overflowing with footwear, you might want to go back to tip 1.
If you’d like to learn other valuable tips for your home, check out some of our other helpful blogs. At Britton Homes, we feel as though your home should be unique to you. Discover your dream home today—a home with plenty of space for you and your loved ones.