To Keep Your Home Clean During The Work Week
We get it—cleaning is a pain. More often than not, chores get neglected throughout the week and pile up on the weekend. Next thing you know, your entire Sunday is spent doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, and everything in between. Finding a clean-life balance is vital to your comfort and well-being. Weekends should be for relaxing and connecting with loved ones, not scrubbing bathroom tiles. If you struggle to find time during the week, you’re not alone. Thankfully, we have a few helpful tips to cure your weekend cleaning blues.
Make A Cleaning Schedule
The main reason why cleaning tasks pile up throughout the week is that we often feel too exhausted after work to tackle anything big. And after cooking, especially for a family, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, by creating a weekly cleaning schedule, you can break apart the overbearing stress of cleaning the entire home. For each day of the week, assign a task to either yourself or a loved one. For example, Monday night could be for vacuuming while Thursday could be for cleaning the bathroom. By the time the weekend rolls around, you’ll find that most chores will be checked off your list. Also, by creating a schedule, everyone knows what chore they have on a particular day. This is perfect for teens or spouses that need a daily reminder of their household duties.
Prevent Dirt & Clutter
A great way to crack down on dirt and clutter is to enforce new habits in your household. Tired of seeing tracks on the carpet? Make a rule for everyone to remove their shoes before entering. Often see crumbs around the living room? Try eating at the dining room table from now on. If everyone works together to create cleaner habits, you can drastically cut down on how often your home needs cleaning. However, just changing your own habits won’t make a significant difference. It’s essential for every family member to make an effort to keep their home clean.
Spot Clean
Spot cleaning is a habit that can help cut down on how much you clean on the weekend. Cleaning your entire home at once is daunting, but if you break it up into bite-sized efforts throughout the week, it can become manageable. See a small stain on the carpet? Clean it immediately. Notice some soap scum in the sink? Go ahead and wipe it up while it’s fresh on your mind. This clean-as-you-go mentality can create proactive habits and keep your home squeaky clean throughout the week.
Break Up The Laundry
Let’s face it—laundry is a tedious chore, especially if you have a large family. Clothes can easily pile up and become unmanageable. Washing, drying, folding, hanging—the time spent on this task seems unending. However, before you throw in the towel, take note of the following pointers to help you get through the seemingly endless piles of clothes. If you have helping hands around the house, put them to work. Laundry should never be the sole responsibility of one person unless it’s absolutely necessary. If that’s the case, break up the laundry into manageable piles and tackle it throughout the week. Getting ready for work? Throw a load in and fold them when you get off. Also, folding clothes will seem less of a chore while watching your favorite TV show. Next time you unload the dryer, try switching on something worth watching!
Share The Dishes
There’s nothing more delicious than a home cooked meal, but no one wants to deal with dishes. If your family meals often leave piles of dishes in their wake, you may want to rethink how you cook. Make an effort to clean as you cook so nothing is left but the plates once the meal is finished. If this doesn’t work, make a pact with your loved ones. Whoever cooks doesn’t have to clean. This puts less strain on one family member and allows the entire family to carry the burden. When it comes to chores, communication is key, and everything is easier when everyone pitches in.
Of course, it’s easier to keep a home you love clean. At Britton Homes, a luxury home builder, we believe a home is more than a place to live—it’s a place to grow and live life to the fullest. Find your dream home today by talking to a Britton Homes representative.